All you need to preserve your concrete’s beauty.
Thank you for considering us for your decorative concrete border needs. This page is a one-stop source to help you preserve and enjoy your new outdoor look for years to come.

Concrete Curbing Care
Once your new Creative Curbz are in place, our Care Sheet has some guidelines on what to expect as the concrete cures and maintains its appearance over time.
Sealing and Resealing
All new landscape curbing we install for you is sealed to elevate its appearance and maximize its durability. In fact, we recommend you reseal your concrete curbing every 2-3 years to keep it at its best.
We’re also experts in sealing or resealing any of your existing concrete. From flower bed borders and driveways to edging and patios, our sealing product options and techniques make worn-out concrete look new again. Contact us to learn more or schedule a free consultation and estimate when it’s best for you.
If there are any issues with the concrete landscaping we installed for you, please contact us.